Alkistis Saramandi

Alkistis has a BSc in Psychology from University College London and an MSc in Clinical Neuropsychiatry from King's College London. Her BSc dissertation project focussed on the Multisensory Contributions to the Perception of Verticality (comparing ballet dancers’ to non-dancers’ performance in different modalities and body-postures) and was supervised by Prof Patrick Haggard and Dr Brianna Beck from the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience (UCL, London). Alkistis started working with KatLab ( in September 2016 as a volunteer and subsequent Research Assistant. Alkistis started her PhD at UCL in 2020. She is supervised by Prof. Katerina Fotopoulou (lead supervisor; UCL / KatLab), A/Prof Paul Jenkinson and Dr Thanos Koukoutsakis (subsidiary supervisors).

UPDATE: Alkistis completed her PhD in April 2024. Congratulations Dr Saramandi!