Peter (Sheng-Yao) Hsu

Peter received his MSc in Clinical and Health Psychology from Bangor University and focused on the process of recognition in different modalities by using ERP during this period. After receiving his degree in 2016, he went back to Taiwan and been as a research assistant at National Taiwan University until 2019. He assisted with the project which intended to detect and prevent the progression of early Alzheimer’s disease by using various tests, including physical examination, neuropsychological tests, and fMRI. All these trainings are the cornerstone for him to pursue his main interest/question in ‘how do people interpret the world by applying their previous experience’ because he strongly believes that ‘There are no facts, only interpretations — Friedrich Nietzsche’. Peter started his PhD at UCL in September 2019, working on social cognition and attachment theory. Peter is jointly supervised by Prof. Katerina Fotopoulou (lead supervisor @ UCL / KatLab) and A/Prof Paul Jenkinson (subsidiary supervisor). 

UPDATE: Peter completed his PhD in February 2024. Congratulations Dr Hsu!